Friday, May 27, 2011

Math and The Grocery Store

So I decided, while standing in line at Wal-Mart (that in itself should have been a clue), that I would take my phone and update my Facebook status.  What did I post?  That some people cannot count.  It's that simple.  Do I believe it to be true?  Not really.  What I believe is that some people, no matter how hard they try, simply cannot help themselves when it comes to being inconsiderate.  Maybe it's not that, either.  Perhaps it's just that they think the rules should be bent for them...or that they don't even apply to them.  I can't imagine why, especially upon further examination.  It's not like these are the people that are living on Park Avenue in NY.  You know, the ones that wouldn't be caught dead in Wal-Mart in the first place.  Seriously, we're talking about something simple.  The sign clearly states, "Express Lane - 20 items or fewer, thank you". it's coming to me.  It's not a 'math' issue at all.  It might just be a 'reading' issue.  With the state of some of our schools today, it could even be both.  Before any teachers hit the roof on that one, it's not you I'm speaking of...and that's another topic entirely.  Back to the sign.....

It's really self-explanatory, isn't it?  Twenty items.  Yes, three packs of Oreos counts as 'three'.  The salad dressing in those little foil packs?  Each one counts as an individual item.  As I stood in line, I watched the cashier ring up almost 35 items.  They were small, I agree, but the sign doesn't say "Bring as many as you want as long as they're small items."  Then, to make matters worse, the customer and cashier wanted to have a conversation about....well, who cares?  Let's move it, sister...I got things to do!  It might have been the fact, too, that as I was ready to place the first item of my own on the counter, I realized I had forgotten the cat food.  Rolling my eyes so everyone could almost hear it, I turned and went to the back of the store.  Yeah, cats have to eat, I get it.  They were lucky I was in a generous mood and hadn't hit the breaking point.  I get back to the cashier and guess who gets in line in front of me?  Exactly - another illiterate, non-mathematician.  Apparently, though, I am getting really, really good at transferring my feelings and thoughts.  The couple started counting.  Out loud.  They might have even been perspiring.  I was pissed.  The total?  Twenty-THREE items.  I know, I know....breathe, right?  Let it go, right?  I promise, I will...WHEN THEY CHANGE THE SIGN TO SAY 23 ITEMS!  And, release.....okay, time to get the weekend started...and I can work right into a groove given a few minutes in the basement.....

Other friends pointed out some of the other 'Issues' we face when going to these grocery stores.  Valid points, I must admit....though the one about 24 beers in a case was deemed to be okay in the eyes of the 'Checkout Line Police'.  These issues ranged from being over the limit (as well as the items bought) and paying with food stamps.  It happens...and bothers us.  The other is waiting until everything has been rung up, then pulling out the checkbook.  C'mon, knew where you were going, stood there watching Susie ring it up, and waited.  Get the damn pen out and start writing!  Hell, I've even got the PIN number entered before she's can certainly fill out the check, Gramps.  Little consideration, please?  While we're at it, could you workers show a little consideration, too?  Yeah, I know - and this grinds me everywhere - "It's Not My Job."  Really?  I want to hurt you.  Fifteen people in line, two lanes open, and three workers are standing by that little podium they put in the aisle to oversee the cashiers.  Hello???  How 'bout getting your two braintrusts off their asses and show us what customer service looks like!  Wow...and I'm asking this of Wal-Mart.  Sounds like I've already gotten the weekend started, huh?  Mind-altering beverages employed, apparently.  What was I thinking?

Until next time..............

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